Hello, The infrastructure in this competition using confidential data without directly having access to the data is quite interesting for future research. This infrastructure used for mammography could be used with many other medical imaging datasets. Without the specific consent of thousand of patients, this is probably the only public way to train a model on a large labeled dataset in medical imaging. I understand that all this cloud infrastructure isn't free to maintain and was probably complex to implement, but I would like to know if it will be possible to use it (free or not) even after the competition. The community phase and the potential publication could give interesting ideas to other participants/researchers not included in the community phase. Keeping some kind of access to the infrastructure could be beneficial for future research and open reproductibility/validation of the results. I really hope you won't completely throw away this great public database ! Thanks, Alexandre Cadrin-Chenevert

Created by Alexandre Cadrin-Chênevert alexandrecc

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