For some reason submission 9603909 is marked as evaluation in progress but no log file has been generated. It's used exactly 2 hours of wall time but if it were actually running would have generated output by now. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Created by David Gutman davecg
Sorry for not updating, my log files did appear, but only after my model completely finished training (instead of updating periodically).
Dear David / MinHwan, Apologies for the delay in response. There doesn't seem to be an issue with the log files. @davecg, your model has been ACCEPTED. If the contents are the same, it means that your model has not progressed. Best, Tom
Our team also has a problem with the log file. Although our team's log files are generated, The contents of the updated version will continue to be the same. Please check if there is any problem on the log file side.

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