Dear Organizers, Can you return us scores from Express Lane submissions? It will not change anything (as it consists of some training examples and in anyway statistically insignificant) but can be useful for debugging purposes. For example, in previous rounds I had a couple of stupid bugs which made my submissions perform at a random guess level. Express Lane scores helped me to avoid such bugs. So, could you please return the scores as it was? Thanks! Yaroslav

Created by Yaroslav Nikulin (Therapixel) ynikulin
Thank you so much @thomas.yu, really appreciate that! Yaroslav
Dear Yaroslav, I have fixed the issue. Sorry for the delay. Best, Tom
Hello again, I still don't get the scores. I'd like to submit today, will you have done it before the weekend? Yaroslav
Thanks a lot, @thomas.yu !
Dear Yaroslav, I will make sure this is done as soon as possible. I will not have acess to a computer until late tonight. Apologies for the delay. Best, Tom

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