Hello, Our submission 9605233 has been scored but the progress in the web page shows that only 97% of images has been processed. This is odd and maybe something has gone wrong since our other submissions have finished with a 100% of progress. We had a similar problem in the previous rounds. For this reason, we prepared the log to be very explicit in the last few lines if any problem occurred. Can you please check the last lines of the log? Another option would be to rerun the submission in other server, because this submission was already rerunned a few days ago for any reason and it is exactly the same code that submission 9604949 that has finished with any issue. Thanks

Created by Alberto Albiol alalbiol
Dear Alberto, Your submission is valid and your progress is 100. Here is a description of our process. A submission is scored only if (1) the code exited of its own accord, AND (2) the code exited with no errors, AND (3) the submission was not terminated (it did not exceed the allotted time nor did the submitter cancel it), AND (4) the predictions file was valid. Best, Tom
Apparently the log indicates that everything was fine. As a last final check, our /progress.txt file should be 100.0% despite the server did not update the value shown in the web page. Is is possible to check that? it will help us to sleep better until the results are released and will confirm the theory about the promptly reading of the server Thanks!
Dear Li, No problem. That is most likely the case. Best, Tom
@thomas.yu Thank you for showing me this! It indicates my code successfully processed all exams. But why is the progress still 0.922, not 1.0? Maybe the server did not read the progress.txt promptly?
Dear Li, The end of your log file is: ``` processed 25651/25657 exams processed 25652/25657 exams processed 25653/25657 exams processed 25654/25657 exams processed 25655/25657 exams processed 25656/25657 exams processed 25657/25657 exams Done. ``` Best, Tom
Dear Alberto, The end of your log file is: ``` Processing task: /output/predictions_modelo_13_3.tsv [int main(int, const char**)] Patient Keys subjectId laterality confidence [int main(int, const char**)] Key: subjectId [int main(int, const char**)] Key: laterality [int main(int, const char**)] Key: confidence [int main(int, const char**)] Clean exit [Time for execution of all tasks] It took me: 6.13165 seconds ``` Best, Tom
Sam problem here. My submission, 9607575, to SC1 was scored but the progress is only 92.2%. I thought it was only because the status didn't update in time. Now, you said it, it makes me worry if there was something wrong with my submission too. How can this happen? My code is just one loop without break. It can't stop unless it is forced by an external program or hardware failure. Can someone look into this? Thanks!

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