I only know how to use `docker build` and `docker push`. How can I download my Docker submissions as files and then upload them to the `src` folder? Any specific instructions?

Created by Li Shen thefaculty
@tschaffter Okay sounds good thanks!
@bill_lotter Yes, you can continue to update your wiki. We will provide two links in the final leaderboard tables: one that redirect to your *live* wiki and one to the archived submission to guarantee that the submitted write-up and source code will always be available.
Sounds good. Are we able to edit the wiki now until then? Not expecting content changes, just potentially cosmetic changes.
Bruce is correct. The write-ups will be made public when we will announce the final results of the Competitive Phase (in a few days).
I will defer to others on the precise timeline but, yes, the plan is to make the write-ups public. To get an idea of what this looks like feel free to browse past challenges. For example here are the results for the ALS Stratification Challenge: https://www.synapse.org/#%21Synapse:syn2873386/wiki/391432 Each table of scores has a "Project" column and clicking on that column takes you to the participant's write up.   Hope this helps.
@brucehoff @tschaffter Are the reports themselves being made public (in the current form)? And if so, when?
@bill_lotter: The goal is for you to guide a novice trying to reproduce your work. If by "weights" you mean those weights achieved through training, we would want you to provide the steps to reproduce the training that led to the weights. If you are referring to hyper-parameters like learning rates, the right thing to do might be to provide the values along with the rationale for choosing those settings.
@brucehoff Do we also include model weights, etc. in our upload?
@bill_lotter Docker images are great for distributing executable code but not preferable for sharing source code. We are asking you to upload your source code to the file area of your Synapse project and to include instructions for recreating your submitted Docker image to the wiki and/or file area. E.g. your Dockerfile could be an uploaded file and the the `docker build` command might go in your wiki write up. Uploading source files allows future collaborators to review your work in the absence of their setting up a Docker environment.   Thanks for your participation in the challenge.
@brucehoff @tschaffter Just to confirm, if all the code necessary to run everything is in our docker image (and there's nothing else needed to build the docker image), we can just reference the images in our write-up and we don't have to attach the code again?
Thanks @brucehoff it seems that this command line is just for one file. We did't try to make experiments just to make sure that the files were uploaded in time (i.e today). We did it uploading a ZIP files with the relevant files plus the docker machines that also contains all the required tools to make happy to the most demanding hacker. Nevertheless we hope that if something is still missing the organization could request any additional information or clarification.
Check out: http://docs.synapse.org/python/CommandLineClient.html You may find the `synapse add` command useful.
Thanks Thomas. Task performed. In future releases a local GIT server or a decent command-line tool could be an improvement. Thanks a lot
@kikoalbiol You can either upload your code as a ZIP archive or use Synapse client to upload files. Synapse doesn't seem to allow people to easily download a directory and all its content using the web interface, so uploading an archive is most likely the most convenient way for future users.
@thefaculty I want to agree with and emphasize what @tschaffter said. You should NOT turn your Docker image(s) into file(s) and upload to Synapse. Your Synapse project has a Docker tab which already lists your uploaded Docker images. You can references these in your documentation and share with collaborators. Interested parties can then `docker pull` to get the shared images. In short the Docker registry has standard mechanisms for uploading and download images which are the correct way (as opposed to uploading and downloading files) to share such content.   Thanks for your participation in the challenge.
Thomas could you explain what to do if your code is more than just 4 files? We have a large project and we would like to send the build tree. This can be perform using ZIP or by an automated synapse tool (with some instructions please)
Hi Li, You don't have to do that for the submission. Synapse already has the reference to the docker image that you have submitted to the Challenge. The directory `/src` should only container the source code required to build your program and docker container. As these files will be available publicly and not only to the Challenge participants, please remember to not include data from the dataset (e.g. images from the Pilot Data). Thanks!
``` docker pull ``` But if you reference the docker submission should be sufficient (??).

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