I've been wondering about the end of the scoring period, on the 16th of May. From what I can work out, with the information that there are 50% more images than in round 3, it seems my submission to sub-challenge 1 should end on Tuesday, the 16th of May 2017, at 09:16:23, so, even if it takes a bit longer it should be OK. My submission to sub-challenge 2, though started two days later, and, because of there being more images, is likely to take longer to run - quite possibly until the end of that week, maybe the 21st. What will happen? Will submissions that take longer to run be considered? If so, what will the final cut-off date be? It would be really good to know how many images there actually are in sub_challenge 1 & 2, because my calculations could be out, in either direction, quite a bit, if the number is different from what I'm using to calculate from. My working assumption, based on looking at the previous rounds, is that you have about 135,000 images in the final round for sub_challenge 1. Is that wildly inaccurate, or within, say, 5% of how many there are? Now that the final submissions are running, likely to be completing any day now, is there a good reason for us not to know how many images are in the sub-challenges?

Created by Peter Brooks fustbariclation
At this time is any prevision about when will be ready the results?
That is absolutely terrible news, if I've understood it correctly. I had no idea that there would be so many more images, or that there was such time criticality. If I had known, I could have speeded up the code quite considerably, and made the deadline. I hope that, if the team see a submission exceeds anticipated targets by a considerable margin it will consider that more important than the deadline.
> Will submissions that take longer to run be considered? If so, what will the final cut-off date be? As stated in the challenge rules, the cut off for inference submissions in the validation round is 18 days from the time the submission *began running*. In particular the cut-off is NOT May 16. The reference to May 16 was regarding the deadline for submitting ones algorithm write-up.   Submission 9604644 began running on 04/24/2017 04:46:02PM. Therefore the cut off for consideration in the challenge was 18 days later at May 12, 04:46:02PM. Submission 9605342 began running on 04/25/2017 12:40:53PM, therefor the time cut off was May 13, 12:40:53PM.
Thank you! That is most helpful.
Hi, @fustbariclation, Based on my submission, SC1 has 114.1 K images, and SC2 has 190.5 K images.

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