i got a mail containing the following message:
Please share your private directory (syn9819678) with the Synapse user `dmchallengeit` with `Can Download` permissions.
I think it is caused by the fact, that i only shared the src folder inside the side tab and not the whole project with "dmchallengeit".
I fixed it now. Do I have to submit the write-up once again or is it ok now?
Created by Michael Mielimonka mimie001 Thanks! Dear Michael,
I will salvage your submission. You should receive an email in the next couple hours about the validation of your writeup.
Tom @thomas.yu The status of the submission is INVALID and I guess that the script creating the archived submission failed because Michael didn't share the project with "dmchallengeit". Can you salvage his submission?
Drop files to upload
Validation error in method write-up page is loading…