Hi, I am struggling to get the pilot data. I will work on a remote machine, and I would not like to download 3.5 GB through the browser (takes 12 days, it says) and then upload it to my remote machine. Can you make this file available through ftp, or give a url that I could use with curl? Many thanks, Michel

Created by Michel de Lange Old_Mortality
Hi Michel, Apologies, I should have been more thorough. You can specify download path with the `synGet` command. Furthermore, the entity object in R also has meta data pertaining to where the file is in the cache directory. So: ``` entity = synGet("syn6182400") #Try entity@filePath #to see location or entity = synGet("syn6182400",downloadLocation = "~/your/directory") ``` Please kindly let me know if you have further questions. Please view [here](https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/synapsePythonClient#installation) to install the commandline/python client. After installing, in commandline, you can do: ``` synapse get -r folderSynapseId #That recursively downloads all files in a folder and recreates the folder structure synapse get entityId #This downloads the file into your current path ``` Thomas
Just for completeness, I then had to quit R, and at the linux prompt in the home directory: find . -name '*.tgz' and this tells me that the downloaded file is at ./.synapseCache/123/1234567/pilot_images.tgz and then mv /.synapseCache/829/1234567/pilot_images.tgz ~ and now I have it safe in the home folder
Thanks, yes now it is downloading something. thank you for your help! Michel
Hi Michel, Thank you for your participation. The ID that you have copied is actually a folder. ``` library(synapseClient) synapseLogin() folder <- synGet("syn6174174") print(folder) ``` There is no easy way of downloading all the contents of a folder in R, but there is in command line. However to view all the files in a folder, you can make use of our query: ``` synQuery('select id,name from entity where parentId == "syn6174174"') ``` Or you can go to the [page](syn6174174), and scroll down to see all the files in the folder. On the right hand side there is an *ID* column. You can then go to download the file. ``` #This is the 3GB file images <- synGet("syn6174183") ``` Please let me know if any of this is still confusing. Thomas
Hi, Thanks, Sorry I am so dense. This is what I have tried, using the R interface. I installed the package, and then ``` library('synapseClient') synapseLogin() ## Now I type in my username and password. Then it says ## hello Old_Mortality, so that is looking good. metadataAndFile <- synGet('syn6174174') ``` That returns in about 1s, so has probably not got my 3.5 GB file. What am I doing wrong? Many thanks, Michel
Please view [here](#!Synapse:syn2305384/wiki/63259) for more information on each of the synapse clients. Thomas
Synapse provides several programming APIs for access to data. We currently support R, python, Java, and a command line tool; please see www.synapse.org to learn more. We have also partitioned the data into 4 parts if you have difficulty downloading the larger, single data archive. The Pilot Data page can be accessed [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6174174).

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