Hi, I have only got 1 pilot image yet, and it has got a label in it: In the top, centered, I see "RMK RCC". Can you tell us more about these labels? Where in the image can we expect them, and what are they?

Created by Michel de Lange Old_Mortality
Thank you for the information. Of course, I can only observe the pilot data, so that is why it is good to know that they can be anywhere, regardless of what I might observe.
As Christoph said, the labels can be anywhere in the image. In the pilot data, they are all located anywhere in the top half of the images though I would not work with this assumption. To observe this and other features by yourself, you can convert all the DICOM images to jpeg using the following command from [ImageMagick](http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) (converts all the .dcm files in the current directory to jpeg): ```bash mogrify -format jpg *.dcm ``` EDIT: the conversion from DICOM to JPEG can be performed even faster using this command (-P ): ```bash find . -type f -iname '*.dcm' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 24 -I {} convert {} {}.jpg ```
Yes; however, they are usually in one of the upper corners.
Thank you. Can these labels appear at any position in the image?
You will see the project and laterality labeled on the image. RCC = right craniocaudal projection LCC = left craniocaudal projection RMLO = right mediolateral oblique LMLO = left mediolateral oblique The accompanying acronym are the initials of the technologist that performed the exam. These are irrelevant.
Dear Michel, Apologies in the delay in response. I do not have the answer to your question, but other challenge organizers will answer your question soon. Thank you for your patience. Thomas

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