Definition for Subchallenge 2: Determine the cancer status of a screening mammogram given the current and previous screening mammograms as well as a panel of clinical information. Hi, I have couple of questions regarding subchalllenge 2 : a .What is the meaning of "previous screening mammogram" - is it the mammogram of the breast from the same person from an earlier time point and is currently not present in the pilot images? b. Will there an additional set of clinical information be given afterwards for "previous mammograms" , or we can expect that is it already present in the file exam_metadata_pilot.tsv ? Clarification will be helpful. Thanks Mohammad

Created by Mohammad Rahman mohammad
Hi Thomas, Can you please clarify the type of cancer that should be predicted? Are the challenge goals to predict ANY type (in-situ as well as invasive) or just invasive cancers? Thanks!
Dear Mohammad, > What is the meaning of "previous screening mammogram"? In Sub-challenge 1, predictions are made on individual exams. In Sub-challenge 2, we will provide a series of exams from a given patient. Let's say that we provide three consecutive exams for a patient. The question to answer is "Will the patient develop a cancer (1) or not (0) within one year starting from the date of the last exam?". The time in days between two consecutive exams is provided. > Will there an additional set of clinical information be given afterwards for "previous mammograms" , or we can expect that is it already present in the file exam_metadata_pilot.tsv ? Most of the clinical information that we will provide are the same as the ones defined in the pilot exams metadata (exam_metadata_pilot.tsv).

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