Some questions about collaboration: 1. Can an institution have multiple teams in the challenge? 2. If multiple teams are permitted - can these collaborate or should they be structured to be completely independent of each other?

Created by Sean Doyle seandoyle
Dear Sean, Apologies for the delay in response. You can provide IT role for multiple teams as long as you don't belong in two teams. You can belong in one team and submit as part of one team, but you won't get credit for being an IT role for another team (At least on the surface, as you won't be able to part of that team) Please kindly let me know if you still have questions. Best, Thomas
Thanks. Followup question: can someone be in an IT role for multiple teams if they are not defining/testing the models - only providing access to data and compute resources? In this capacity - the IT people would not be a member of a specific team.
Dear Sean, An institution can have multiple teams in the challenge as long as one person is not on two teams. Once a person is on a team, they will no longer be able to submit as part of another team. Collaboration is definitely encouraged amongst teams, but just keep in mind that a participant cannot be officially part of two teams. Best, Thomas

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