Is the intention that we push a docker image to a registry from where you _docker pull_ and _docker run_ it? Or do we git push our code including the Dockerfile, so that you can run _docker build_ on our behalf on the challenge servers? When you are as far as documentation, it might cut down the chatter if you provide an example of a dummy test environment, Dockerfile, and docker-compose.yml, so folks can focus on the DL, not the infra. Cheers!

Created by Russ Ferriday snaggle
The short answer is 'the former' (the submission will be an image that we 'docker run'). The reason for this is to provide automatic, reproducible results. However, as with all DREAM challenges, to win the challenge requires making your solution documented and transparent. This means that at the end of the challenge you are asked to provide a write up and a link to your source code. We would expect this source code to include a Dockerfile that we could run to reproduce the submitted image and the winning results. Our intention is to provide sample code repo's that participants can use as baselines for their own submissions (if they wish). Our aim is to make the required submission mechanism as frictionless as possible.

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