In the pilot data we have images corresponding to both the breasts irrespective of that, whether they are having cancer or not. Will it be the same in the data which you will be providing in the later stages?

Created by Jagadeesh Dondeti deeplearner
No, however more than 99% of the exams have a craniocaudal (CC) and a mediolateral oblique (MLO) view for each breast. We will provide the list of view names that are included in the dataset (CC, MLO, ML, etc.) and their meaning. Here is an interesting page that lists the different types of views:
Can we also assume that for each image with a projection given we will have at least one coresponding image - with the same projection type - for the other breast?
Welcome to the DM DREAM Challenge Jagadeesh! Yes, we will systematically provide images for the left and right breasts in the leaderboard and test sets.

Will you provide both the images of the left breast and right breast in the main data? page is loading…