Hi,   For the pilot data we are provided with 2 image metadata files, however [the "Submitting models" page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759) says there will be a single image_metadata.txt file in the testing folder for each sub-challenge. Will we also be given the same 2 image metadata files as we are with the pilot data (and if so, in which directory can we expect these files to be located)? If not, will the image_metadata.txt file in the testing folder include all the columns in the pilot metadata files, not just what is shown in the text snippets on the "Submitting models" page?   Thanks!

Created by Luli Zou luli.zou
Hi Luli, We are currently updating the documentation of the exams and images metadata tables. We will post here the link to the page that contains the information you are referring to. When you say the "2 image metadata files", I'm assuming that you are talking about the exams and images metadata tables. The images metadata table will always accompany the images that are provided. The exams metadata table will be available only in Sub-challenge 2. Finally, yes, the images metadata table will be similar to the one provided in the Pilot Set.

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