This question is not entirely related to the challenge itself but I'm just very curious: With the availability of 3D mammography, which provides much more information than the 2D, is 2D mammography still going to be the main tool for breast cancer diagnosis? This will decide whether the technology developed in this challenge can carry on into future projects and keep making significant impacts to our society...

Created by Li Shen thefaculty
While 3D mammography or tomosynthesis is being adopted, the technology is heavily based on 2D mammography (just more 2D slices than a single slice for standard 2D digital mammography). 3D is only being used as an add-on to 2D mammography currently. For the foreseeable future, 2D mammography will remain the mainstay, with the addition of 3D mammography growing in popularity. We believe that whatever we find from this challenge can directly carry over to 3D mammography since the technologies are so similar (3D is the summation of multiple 2D mammograms).

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