In the "DREAM10 OFFICIAL CHALLENGE RULES (!Synapse:syn4294018/wiki/232126)", we've found the term about using other data as below: 5. USE OF OTHER DATA: Participants are free to use external data other than the Data provided to develop and test algorithms and Entries. Before using external data, participants should consult any additional Data Access Terms of Use affiliated with the Challenge to verify that their use of a particular external data set is permitted. We want to, 1) pre-train the base model using the other data on our workstation, 2) upload the pre-trained model on the challenge server, 3) fine-tune the base pre-trained model using the challenge data. Is it a possible scenario? @cdjk @swkim

Created by Hyo-Eun Kim hekim
Hi Seung Wook Kim, You are able to use any data - generally referred to as 'prior knowledge' - that can be used to pre-train your model. However, you must insure that no sensitive data is included in your docker image that is uploaded to the cloud. Also, to be considered as a 'consortium member', eligible for prizes and co-authorship, a clear and complete description of how this data was used and 'pre-trained' will be required. Justin Guinney Challenge Co-director

Is it possible to use additional mammography data (not given from DM Dream challenge) ? page is loading…