Hi all, I've created a simple docker image and pushed it to synapse. Once it was uploaded, I've used synapse to submit to the DREAM challenge. After a few screens, I got a question of whether I wanted to submit it as an 'individual' or as 'part of a team'. I had to submit as an individual, since the team I'm enrolled didn't show. (the link below contains a screenshot of the question) [submit as team or individual screenshot](https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qbg0l0ofqjtffj/img1.png?dl=0)

Created by Jose Costa Pereira josecp
I marked submission 8039921 as INVALID, which should allow you to submit as a team. ${leaderboard?path=%2Fevaluation%2Fsubmission%2Fquery%3Fquery%3Dselect%2B%2A%2Bfrom%2Bevaluation%5F7213944%2Bwhere%2BUSER%5FID%253D%253D%25223343189%2522&paging=true&queryTableResults=true&showIfLoggedInOnly=false&pageSize=100&showRowNumber=false&jsonResultsKeyName=rows&columnConfig0=none%2CSubmission ID%2CobjectId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig1=none%2CStatus%2Cstatus%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig2=none%2CStatus Detail%2CSTATUS%5FDESCRIPTION%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig3=cancelcontrol%2CCancel%2CcancelControl%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig4=epochdate%2CLast Updated%2CmodifiedOn%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig5=synapseid%2CSubmitted Repository or File%2CentityId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig6=none%2CFile Version%2CversionNumber%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig7=synapseid%2CLog Folder%2CSUBMISSION%5FFOLDER%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig8=none%2CSubmitting User or Team%2CSUBMITTER%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig9=synapseid%2CModel State File%2CMODEL%5FSTATE%5FENTITY%5FID%3B%2CNONE}
Hi Bruce, I have the exact same problem with the submission. I am sure it is caused by my previous submission as an individual. Could you please help me fix this so that I can continue submit as part of a team? Thank you! Best, Yang
Jose: Our system constrains you either to submit as an individual or as a team, within a round of the challenge. Once you submit as one you can't 'switch' until the next round. When enforcing this, the system looks at your submission history, counting only those submissions that completed successfully. There are two approaches to take: (1) We can mark your successful submissions as unsuccessful so they are no longer counted. You can then submit as a team; (2) You can continue to submit as an individual during this 'open phase' and begin submitting as a team once the scoring phase ensues.
An update on this. It seems that even-though I'm part of a team, my team was not registered in the challenge. We fixed this (thanks Bruce!), and now I can see my team when I select "submit as part of a team". The problem is that, even-though I don't have any jobs running it tells me I have conflicting jobs (see attach screenshot) [screenshot](https://www.dropbox.com/s/pz6cf16vbo2aasd/img5.png?dl=0)
> Somewhat relatedly, can multiple members of a team submit at the same time during the open phase? Yes, but we will only run one or two submissions from a team at a time (depending on server availability and whether you are using the optional 'preprocessing' phase). > Will a later submission override a prior one? The only sense in which a submission can 'override' another is that if two submissions use two different preprocessing methods, then the preprocessing of the second submission would replace the preprocessing of the first.
Somewhat relatedly, can multiple members of a team submit at the same time during the open phase? Will a later submission override a prior one?
Jose, I'm sorry that it's not clear: You are not to create a new team or join a different team, but rather to affiliate the team you are already in with the challenge. To do this, all you need to do is click on the button in Step 6 and select the team you are in.
thanks for your prompt reply Bruce, but the thing is I'm already part of a team... and creating another team will just make things more difficult to manage. [my teams](https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2flf58kux4las4/img4.png?dl=0)
Jose, please see step 6 here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401756
I did not click 'register a team', since my team is registered and I'm part of it (see below). I will try this in the next submission.
Hi: You screen shot showed a link "Register a Team". Did you click it and, if so, did you Team appear? Thanks.

submitting as part of a team page is loading…