I would to get clarity on submission per individual versus as a team. Do we have upper limit to submit in the each round of the competitive phase? As from the text quoted from scoring section of the submitting models. "_You are allowed three submissions to each of the sub-challenge scoring queues in each round. There is no explicit time quota, but we reserve the right to terminate submissions that take excessive time to be scored._" Each individual from a team can submit atleast three models. Is what I make out of it. In case of a team submission, are we restricted to only three submission? Or is it each member of the team gets to make three submission. What happens in case the model running on the server fails or the returned null. Will the model still be considered for the submission. Please clarify the model submission for the team. Is their possibility to submit more than three and choose the top three performance. Regards,

Created by Chetak Kandaswamy chetak
Hi Chetak, The submitting entity is the team (see [Submitting Models](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759)). Both a team with five participants, for example, and a individual participant can submit their (trained) inference method up to three times. At the end of the round, the submission with the highest score is selected.

How many permitted submissions in each round? page is loading…