Were there any changes to how log files are updated? If I remember correctly, log files were updated every 5 minutes or so. But now they do not seem to get updated after they are initially created. https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7302214 - this one has completed successfully but the log file was not updated, https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7302361 - we are currently running this one and it's supposed to take quite a while so it's frustrating to not be able to see its progress. Thanks!

Created by Seung Wook Kim swkim
Hi: The server running your submission encountered a problem. We restarted it on another machine. Sorry for the inconvenience. ${leaderboard?path=%2Fevaluation%2Fsubmission%2Fquery%3Fquery%3Dselect%2B%2A%2Bfrom%2Bevaluation%5F7213944%2Bwhere%2BuserId%253D%253D%25223345322%2522&paging=true&queryTableResults=true&showIfLoggedInOnly=false&pageSize=100&showRowNumber=false&jsonResultsKeyName=rows&columnConfig0=none%2CSubmission ID%2CobjectId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig1=none%2C%2Cstatus%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig2=userid%2CSubmitter%2CuserId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig3=epochdate%2C%2CcreatedOn%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig4=epochdate%2C%2CTRAINING%5FSTARTED%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig5=epochdate%2C%2CmodifiedOn%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig6=none%2C%2CrepositoryName%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig7=none%2C%2CFAILURE%5FREASON%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig8=none%2C%2CWORKER%5FID%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig9=synapseid%2C%2CentityId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig10=synapseid%2C%2CSUBMISSION%5FFOLDER%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig11=none%2C%2Cname%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig12=synapseid%2C%2CMODEL%5FSTATE%5FENTITY%5FID%3B%2CNONE}
 @brucehoff any update on this? Thanks!
I've experienced this too, but only recently (today). Here is one example: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7341259 After this log, I got an email saying the model was completed, checked the log again and it was the same. These problems are very time consuming and frustrating. Postponing the beginning of the challenge would be a good option.
There has not been a change to how the log file are updated. Th ID of the submission that produced https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7302361 is 7302359. The logs have not been updated since it first started on 9/28. We will have to look in to it.

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