Hi, a submission has been in "pending" status for 2 days now. Is there an issue with the server? ${imageLink?synapseId=syn7338919&align=Center&responsive=true}

Created by Amrit Krishnan amrit110
Hi Amrit: Your job was run on 10/2 and the output sent here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7340204
same here, job pending since 3 days...
My first job is also still pending, for 2 days now. I was hoping to try model development based on doing lots of experiments, incremental refinement and feedback of previous model version. With these delays its like driving around with a blindfold on a highway. If this is what I should expect then I need to change my strategy, trying to get *some* model to run instead of the best I can find.
Also, how long queue times can we expect in the challenge phase?

Queue times page is loading…