I was wondering if the dataset in this dream challenge (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4231880/wiki/235645) could be made available. I needed it for analysis for a graduate project.

Created by bpm
any news on that?
Dear @Michael.Mason I was wondering if the dataset in this dream challenge (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4231880/wiki/235645) could be made available. I needed it for analysis for a graduate project. Thanks
Hi Mike, Is the data available now? Thanks! Xionghui
Hey Mike, Any news on the manuscript?? Thanks, Daniel
Hello @Michael.Mason -- are there any updates about this data? cc: @bpm Thank you!
Thank you Meredith for your quick response. Thank you for letting me know Mike and Jonathan. I will check in the data library link. Mike will the data be made publicly available on the synapse page? Warm Regards, Bibhu
In the meantime you can request the data at https://openinnovation.astrazeneca.com/data-library.html
Dear BMP, This dataset will be released publicly upon publication of the challenge manuscript. We are in the final stages of review with a journal and hope to have news in the next month. Kind Regards, Mike
Hello @AstraZenecaSangerDrugCombinationPredictionDREAMChallengeAdmins, Can you please address the above question in the discussion forum? Thank you! -Meredith

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