
Created By Mette Peters Mette

phase: I
grants: R01MH094714
tissue: medial prefrontal cortex dorsolateral prefrontal cortex superior temporal gyrus cerebellum
methods: syn4587616 syn8263588 syn4587615 syn17096935
species: Human
dataTypes: Gene Expression Chromatin Activity
diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder
studyType: Individual
studyDescription: The UCLA-ASD study is characterizing the human brain transcriptome across multiple levels of organization – gene expression, transcript isoform, and local splicing – and relating these data to epigenetic regulatory mechanisms involving DNA methylation, histone acetylation, and microRNA expression in postmortem brain specimens from individuals with autism spectrum disorder( ASD) and neurotypical controls.
nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell
numberOfIndividuals: 130
contributingInstitution: University of California, Los Angeles

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