phase: I grants: R21MH103877 tissue: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex methods: syn7072866 syn17096983 syn10169649 syn4588492 syn17096990 syn4588490 species: Human dataTypes: Gene Expression Chromatin Activity Genomic Variants diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder studyType: Individual studyDescription: The EpiGABA study examines cell type-specific epigenetic regulation in the brain that may be linked to neurodevelopmental diseases, including autism spectrum disorder. DNA methylation and histone modification landscapes are evaluated in GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons along with oligodendrocytes from prefrontal cortex, a region broadly implicated in neuropsychiatric disease. nucleicAcidSource: single nucleus numberOfIndividuals: 9 contributingInstitution: Icahn School of Medicine at Mt.Sinai syn5613800 syn17081596