phase: I II grants: U01MH103340 R01MH110920 tissue: frontal cortex dorsolateral prefrontal cortex methods: syn7349497 syn3270015 syn5909361 syn17093164 syn26017684 syn26450449 syn26434236 species: Human dataTypes: Gene Expression Chromatin Activity Proteomics diagnosis: Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia studyType: Individual studyDescription: The BrainGVEX study explores how genetic variants affect brain gene expression (GVEX) and contribute to neuropsychiatric disease risk by characterizing non-coding regulatory elements in the human brain. Expression QTLs (QTLs), protein QTLs, and chromatin accessibility QTLs are mapped and integrated with data from genome-wide association studies to uncover regulatory mechanisms linking genetic variants and psychiatric disease. nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell numberOfIndividuals: 428 contributingInstitution: The State University of New York syn5613798