
Created By Mette Peters Mette

phase: I
grants: U01MH103365
methods: syn17023612 syn12043331 syn4590912 syn16805359
species: Human
dataTypes: Gene Expression Chromatin Activity
studyType: Individual
studyDescription: The iPSC study is comparing transcriptomic and epigenomic landscapes in cortical organoids – collections of differentiated cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) thought to recapitulate early cortical development – and postmortem human brain tissue. The aim is to characterize dynamic gene regulatory activity across human embryonic brain development and to validate the suitability of iPSC-derived organoids as a model system for studying neurodevelopmental genomics.
nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell bulk nuclei single cell
numberOfIndividuals: 11
contributingInstitution: Yale University

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