Hello, We have been approved to access PsychENCODE datasets that were previously released, such as data from BrainGVEX and CommonMind. However, we would like to access some newly available RNA-seq data of SCZ and controls from two studies: CommonMind-HBCC and LIBD_sczControl. The data from these projects appear to be private and unaccessible. As we have been approved for access of the PsychENCODE data, is there a way for us to also access the other datasets I have listed? When will this data become available for download? Thank you.

Created by Grace Xiao gracexiao99
Following this thread, I was wondering whether the CMC+HBCC data is available currently? The link in the table on the Capstone collection page (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12080241) returns an empty table. Also, the identifiers for the imputed genotype individuals for the CMC_HBCC dataset do not match the ones from the CMC fastq/BAM files, which would suggest to me some files are missing?
Thank you
This data will be made accessible by the end of this weekend. Thanks for your patience
Thank you, the data is now accessible. However, it appears that the clinical meta data for some of these datasets (CMC-HBCC and LIBD_sczControl) are still restricted. When will this clinical data become available? Thanks.
Hi @gracexiao99 These data will be released in a couple of weeks and you will be able to access them with your current data access approval Best, mette

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