Hi, We want to request access to the RNA-seq data of YALE-ASD through PsychENCODE. However I don't know what is the study number that we need for this study or the PIs. So I cam confused as to which study number in autism we need to request. Thanks, Piyush

Created by Piyush Joshi piyushjo15
OK, thanks for the prompt response.
Hi @manduchi ], just put 'the PsychENCODE data distribution' in the cover letter. If you have further questions about the data access approval process please contact NRGR support: https://www.nimhgenetics.org/about/contact_us.php Best, Mette
Hello Mette, I'm interested in applying for access to all PsychENCODE data, which according to what you state in this and another thread should be possible, but am a bit confused about the instructions . Following the link you indicate https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/psychencode/, I'm led to https://www.nimhgenetics.org/access_data_biomaterial.php. Here, under COVER LETTER, it says one needs to specify the data sets requested from the data list provided. The data list link brings you to https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/studies_by_distribution.php. I do not see PsychENCODE in the latter, but a list of other distributions. So I'm not too sure how to proceed, maybe I'm misinterpreting the instructions. Can you advice? Thanks, Elisabetta
The data access application should be for the PsychENCODE distribution: https://www.nimhgenetics.org/available_data/psychencode/. Once accepted that gives you access to all PsychENCODE data, not limited to the Yale-ASD study. See here: http://www.psychencode.org/?page_id=160

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