I can't seem to access the the Imputed Genotypes Sample Map (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn10909366/tables/), which is linked on the PEC Capstone collection page, while we did request access to both RNA-seq and genotype data for this dataset. I was wondering whether this is due to the data that we've requested (e.g. we did not request clinical data), or that there is a file permission error? We'd greatly appreciate such a sample map to link the RNA-seq samples to the genotypes.

Created by Harm-Jan Westra HarmJanWestra
Hi @HarmJanWestra . Data related to CMC_HBCC, EpiMap, LIBD_szControl, and BipSeq including the clinical metadata file and imputed genotypes file have been temporarily taken off line for an update requested by the data contributor. We just posted a notice on the Capstone page. I will post a notice here in the discussion forum as well and let you know directly when the data is back up

Can't access Imputed Genotypes Sample Map page is loading…