Data related to the Capstone processed: CMC_HBCC, EpiMap, LIBD_szControl, and BipSeq, including the clinical metadata file and imputed genotypes file have been temporarily taken offline for an update: syn12080241. People who have downloaded data will be followed up with directly regarding the update, and a notice will be posted here

Created by Mette Peters Mette
Dear @HarmJanWestra - The changes made were to the individual identifiers for the data that intersects with data from the CMC_HBCC study. Data from donors in this study can also be found in EpiMap, BipSeq, and the LIBD_szControl study. Ids were changed from the previous Br### ids to id's that starts with CMC_HBCC_##. These are all data originating from the NIMH Human Brain Collection core and was a required change. Please download a new version of the clinical file (syn12118229) and the metadata associated with the data files (syn8466658).
Dear Mette, I noticed that the message about this was removed from this page:!Synapse:syn12080241 As such, I was wondering whether the data is good to go at this moment? If so, could you let us know which files got updated, and whether we need to download the data again (i.e. what changes were made to the data)? Thanks for the support! Harm-Jan

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