I have downloaded the FastQ files of syn3270015 and am using the metadata file UIC-UChicago-U01MH103340_BrainGVEX_RNAseqMetadata.txt (syn5588763) for linking samples to the FastQ files. However, for samples that are run over multiple flow cells, only 1 flow cell is in the metadata. For example, for sample 2015-2881 there are fastq files from 2 flow cells:
PEC_BrainGVEX_UIC-UChicago_FC_mRNA_HiSeq2500_2015-2881_AH72CVBCXX_1_1.fastq.gz and
but in the metadata is only has AH72CVBCXX_1 for the flow cell:
RNA-seq,2015-2881,PEC_BrainGVEX_UIC-UChicago_FC_mRNA_HiSeq2500_2015-2881,NA,Flash frozen chunk then isolated in trizol,8/17/15,8.8,10/15/15,"stranded, rRNA depletion",Illumina RS-122-2301,No,paired-end,100,AH72CVBCXX_1,HiSeq2500,48734103,42706011,3256048,0.00%
Is there a updated version of UIC-UChicago-U01MH103340_BrainGVEX_RNAseqMetadata.txt which includes all flowcells? Is the FastQ file from the flowcell that is not included in the metadata of bad quality, and I should only use the 1 file, or can I use all files that have the same sample identifier?
Thanks for the help and for sharing this great resource.