I have current tokens, however do I need to obtain a new token for my renewal of my 3 year project. If so, there is no active button to obtain a token. Thanks, Mark

Created by Marquis Vawter mvawter
@dwerling We are processing your request. Please allow 24 hours before requesting a new token.
I have a related question - I currently have an active token and PsychEncode data access through my previous postdoctoral position, but I have recently started my own lab at a different institution and would like to apply for PsychEncode data access through this new university for myself and my trainees. To do this, can I request to have my current token (and access) revoked, so that my lab and I can all request new tokens and submit a fresh data access application together?
Thanks Kelsey, I will submit my renewal, and wait for NRGR to process it. At that point, I will lose my access and time-out, so will wait until then. Mark
Hello Marquis - We can revoke your access now to force a token renewal or we can wait until your token expires after 3 years, at which point you can [request a new token](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4921369/wiki/477467). In both cases, you will lose access temporarily while NRGR processes your new token request. Which option do you prefer?

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