Hi again, I'm looking at sample syn16779542, it is named PEC_Yale_SingleCellRNAseq_RMB683_AMY_RQ7397_HN2JWBBXX_011718_S32_L007_I1_001.fastq.gz, however when you download it, it is named t11_S32_L007_I1_001.fastq.gz and it states this on the page where it says: "Download file as: t11_S32_L007_I1_001.fastq.gz ". Where can I find a full table of the sample names and the "download file as" names for the whole syn16563103 dataset? Thanks Matthew

Created by mtvector
@mtvector I am going to send you a mapping and then resolve this naming discrepancy. Thanks for finding this issue!
That would be great, but as I have downloaded the files as is, is there any way to get the table of correspondence between the full file names and the truncated "Download file as:" names? This table must exist somewhere if the names are presented on the webpage :) Thanks so much! Matthew
It looks like some of the files for this data have an abbreviated version of the Synapse displayed filename. We will go through the dataset and evaluate changing the underlying files to match the displayed name so that you can easier link it to the metadata
When I download the table for the data, the fields are "ROW_ID ROW_VERSION ROW_ETAG id name consortium grant study species individualID assay organ tissue specimenID nucleicAcidSource fileFormat currentVersion parentId dataFileHandleId", none of which contain the actual name of the file that is downloaded!

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