I am using BrainSpan's expression data (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8241756) to do spatiotemporal analysis on candidate genes. Therefore, I need information like how old is and what's the sex of the sample. Do you know where can I get these phenotype information for the samples in BrainSpan set?
Created by Zhongming Zhao zzhao1 If you go the the Capstone main page: syn12080241, you will see a link to a clinical file. [This is for BrainSpan](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12118229/tables/query/eyJzcWwiOiJTRUxFQ1QgKiBGUk9NIHN5bjEyMTE4MjI5IiwgInNlbGVjdGVkRmFjZXRzIjpbeyJjb25jcmV0ZVR5cGUiOiJvcmcuc2FnZWJpb25ldHdvcmtzLnJlcG8ubW9kZWwudGFibGUuRmFjZXRDb2x1bW5WYWx1ZXNSZXF1ZXN0IiwgImNvbHVtbk5hbWUiOiJzdHVkeSIsICJmYWNldFZhbHVlcyI6WyJCcmFpblNwYW4iXX1dLCAiaW5jbHVkZUVudGl0eUV0YWciOnRydWUsICJpc0NvbnNpc3RlbnQiOnRydWUsICJvZmZzZXQiOjAsICJsaW1pdCI6MjV9)
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