Hi, I have a question regarding the definition of PEC isoQTLs. PEC isoQTLs are defined as QTLs associated with isoform levels in different cell types (Wang, 2018). However, some of them apparently regulate genes with only one transcript, i.e. only one possible isoform (RNA genes). Examples are the isoQTL rs9293596 for ENST00000514239.1 and 6 isoQTLs rs9293590, rs10474379, rs2059793, rs9632420, rs1427955, rs10037645 for ENST00000495909.2. The isoQTLs are found in the file ?Core isoQTL set with FDR<0.001: DER-10a_hg38_isoQTL.significant txt? at http://resource.psychencode.org/. Thank you very much for an answer. Sincerely,

Created by Anastasia Levchenko anastasia_levchenko

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