We are working with the BrainGVEX data from the PsychENCODE consortium. We downloaded fastq files of the RNA-seq data from the synapse portal in 2016 from the BrainGVEX study. I see that now most of the samples in this study have been renamed and the genotype sample names are different. When I use theBrainGVEX ATAC-seq data file that provides mapping of renamed samples through "trueIndividualID", "specimenID", and "individualID" (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7105868), many of the sample IDs do not match with the old sample IDs given in 2016. Therefore, I do not have a way to map the old sample names to the new genotype data. I have a file I downloaded in 2016 of the RNA-seq data individual IDs (The name of the file is: UIC-UChicago-U01MH103340_BrainGVEX_RNAseqMetadata_August2016Release.txt). Many of these samples' names in the file are not present in the newer data tables that are supposed to be used to map old sample names to new sample names. Two examples of such IDs from the 2016 release are "2016-867" and "2016-888". Is there any way I can map the 2016 file names to the new names in order to identify the appropriate genotype data? Thank you for your help.

Created by Grace Xiao gracexiao99

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