Hello! I may have to run a different imputation pipeline on the psychencode data. Is it possible to obtain the raw genotype data on the study collections (rather than the imputed calls)? Thank you, Kevin

Created by Kevin Anderson kanderson
Welcome! I will post here if we manage to get a data contributor to upload missing raw data.
Oops! Sorry, I typed faster than I was thinking and missed the BipSeq link. Thanks again for your help!
BrainGVEX has not released their raw genotype data and BipSeq is linked above.
Fantastic! I hadn't found the CMC calls yet, this is super useful. Do you by chance know if BrainGVEX and BipSeq have released their raw data? Thanks again for your help, Kevin
Hi @kanderson! I imagine you are looking at the commonly processed imputed genotypes from the Capstone collection in syn9947370. Some, but not all, data contributors elected to also release the raw data: - BipSeq (syn6173953) - EpiGABA (syn17096990) Some of the raw genotype data is available through other portals: - [CommonMind consortium](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn2759792/wiki/69613) released raw genotypes: [see here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn22000412) - I believe the genotypes from the BrainSpan study are available through the Allen Brian Atlas data portal: [see here](https://www.developinghumanbrain.org/)

raw genotype data (not-imputed) page is loading…