Hello, I'm trying to get the table containing the information of the BrainGVEX RNA-seq samples from here [BrainGVEX table](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12214142/tables/), but when I click on ?download options? and ?export table? the table is empty. Could anyone help me with this? Thank you in advance!

Created by Grace Xiao gracexiao99
I am also trying to download this table, but receive an error message: The size of the column 'specimenID' is too small. The column size needs to be at least 12 characters. Could you please double check the schema again. Thank you!
@kelsey Thank you so much!
@gracexiao99 It is fixed now! Underlying data was updated and the allowed schema of the table needed to be updated as a result.

BrainGVEX table empty page is loading…