Dear Sir/Madam I got approved for access to syn22963646 (see email below Request ID 616ef211d9612) but still cannot access the data: synLogin('ejvandenoord','*********') Welcome, ejvandenoord!NULL synLogin(authToken="|PsychENCODE|3395443|3334673|5612415|1654794587258|1633713030981|GTqHTgX2g/Gg0elzjC5IahW+nL8=|") Error in value[[3L]](cond) : You are not logged in and do not have access to a requested resource. or synGet('syn23522773') Error in value[[3L]](cond) : This entity has access restrictions. Please visit the web page for this entity (syn.onweb("syn23522773")). Click the downward pointing arrow next to the file's name to review and fulfill its download requirement(s). Could you please help? Thanks Edwin Request Approved Request ID 616ef211d9612 User Institution VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY Location Richmond, Virginia, United States, 23284 Email Data/Specimen Data Status Approved Created Oct 19, 2021 09:28 AM Download Packet Packet Requested Groups PsychENCODE Consortium Dist. Show Details Accessing Data You have been granted access to data from the NIMH Genetics Initiative. To access the data, simply Sign Out from the CGSMD website and Sign back in for the permissions to be updated. Data can be accessed thru the links below. 1. 2. 3. For PsychENCODE data, hosted by Synapse, see: 4. For CommonMind data, hosted by Synapse, see: Your email address will be added to a distribution list to disseminate clarifications or other announcements concerning the data distribution. If at any time you forget your username or password, you can click on the Sign-In option on the website and click forgotten username or password option to reset your password.

Created by ejvandenoord
@ejvandenoord Hi Edwin, we are checking on this. By the way, I just found our previous data manager Kelsey explained the data here:!Synapse:syn4921369/discussion/threadId=8564&replyId=26384. Let me know if this makes sense to you.
Dan, do you mind one more question about dataset syn22963646? The snRNA-seq data files have identifiers synapseids (e.g., syn23522774), libraryID (e.g.'D19-6787') or specimenID=['Batch3Channel1'] The phenotype data in file SZBDMulti-Seq_metadata_individual.csv has identifier individualID (e.g., BD1) As none of the 4 files in the "Metadata" sub directory has individualID in addition to one of the snRNA-seq data files identifiers (synapseids, libraryID, or specimenID) it is not possible to link the phenotype data to snRNA-seq data files. Would you see a solution for this? Thanks Edwin
Dan, it is working now. Thank you, Edwin
Hi Edwin @ejvandenoord , You have been granted access to the data. Please check and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks a lot, Dan
Dear @ejvandenoord, Our IT team is working with NIMH on granting you access to the data. I understand how frustrating this must have been for you. Sorry for any inconvenience. Best, Dan

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