Hello, I am trying to get a Synapse token for access to the PSYCHENCODE data. I placed a request in April but did not receive the token yet ? it probably went in the spam folder and I cannot find it. I am not able to send another request from the synapse website because it says ?your request for a Synapse Token has been sent?. Can you please advise? Thanks, Alessandra University of Pennsylvania

Created by Alessandra Chesi chesi
Hello,I did not recieve the token, could you resend me it? Thank you!
Hi Lu, Thanks for letting us know! I just re-sent the token to you. Could you please check? Feel free to reach out should you have any other questions. Thanks, Dan
Dear Dan, I have the same problem. Could you help to re-send the token to me? Best regards, Lu
Hi Dan, I received it, thanks! It went in the quarantine folder but I found it this time. Best, Alessandra
Hi Alessandra, Thanks for reaching out to us! I just re-sent the token to you. Could you please check if you received it? Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Best, Dan

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