Hello. I would like to know how you processed the data in the RAW folder to get the data in the GEX_HTO_processed folder? For example, was it double demultiplexed, cellranger processed and then quality controlled, dimensionality reduced, clustered, annotated, and then merged together with similar cells from each sample? Since I am not good at processing cell hashing data, could you be more specific : )

Created by ?? ? suyunjin1234
Dear @suyunjin1234, The data you are inquiring about is a component of the paper titled "Single-cell atlas of healthy human blood unveils age-related loss of NKG2C+GZMB?CD8+ memory T cells and accumulation of type 2 memory T cells" (Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37963457/). For your convenience, I would like to mention that all the steps you've asked about are thoroughly outlined in the method section of the paper. I kindly suggest reviewing that section for comprehensive details. However, I am more than happy to assist if you have any specific questions or require further clarification. I appreciate your understanding. Best regards, Marina

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