Under AS057 for the demultiplexing cell bardcodes, ALAW-AS057-4_assignment_cell_patient.csv. Any possibility this can be uploaded? Thanks!

Created by Laurent Gapin gapinl
Thank you!
Dear @gapinl, Different naming only reflects our laboratory's internal organizational processes related to the project. This naming is correct, there is no problem with the files. Kind regards, Marina
Thanks for the quick response. That makes sense. One more question, for AS055, the fastq files are not named in the conventional format as the other batches and only contain a single pair set (i.e. mot multiple fastq file run/lanes for the same sample set, unlike all the other sets). Is this expected or is there a problem with the files? For example this is what I see for AS055 (I highlighted the repetitive region in bold): ALAW-AS055-1-5-GEX-**AS055-1-5-GEX**_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz ALAW-AS055-1-5-GEX-**AS055-1-5-GEX**_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz However, the other batches contain the following naming convention, for example, here is AS056 for the first set (no repetitive region in the name and multiple fastq files associated with the same sample set, as expected): ALAW-79973-AS056-1-5GEX_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz ALAW-79973-AS056-1-5GEX_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz ALAW-79973-AS056-1-5GEX_S2_L002_R1_002.fastq.gz ALAW-79973-AS056-1-5GEX_S2_L002_R2_002.fastq.gz
Dear @gapinl, ALAW-AS057-4 appeared to be outlier, so we didn't use it. Best regards, Petr

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