Good afternoon! Thank you for sharing such a rich and unique dataset! I am working on demultiplexing the GEX+FB fastq files using a slightly different method than described in the methods section. I was wondering if there is a file that maps each sample to the Hashtag antibody used for the sample before pooling? I see supplementary table 2 lists the Hashtags and corresponding antibody, but I was looking for a Hashtag <--> sample mapping. I also see in the synapse portal the demultiplexing csv files, but the oligo/barcodes seem like. they are the cell barcodes. I am guessing I am not looking at the correct files and was wondering if you could clarify?

Created by Miriam Saffern msaffern
Hi @msaffern , Can you please email me at I will send you the files with the hashtag barcodes as a personal request. Kind regards, Marina

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