import synapseclient, pandas, os syn = synapseclient.Synapse() # login using a password syn.login('****', '********') # Obtain a pointer and download the data syn6035822 = syn.get(entity=' syn6035822 ' ) # Get the path to the local copy of the data file filepath = syn6035822 .path **Error:** SynapseFileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[21], line 2 1 # Obtain a pointer and download the data ----> 2 syn6035822 = syn.get(entity=' syn6035822 ' ) 4 # Get the path to the local copy of the data file 5 filepath = syn6035822 .path File c:\Users\talha\.conda\envs\traffic\lib\site-packages\synapseclient\, in Synapse.get(self, entity, **kwargs) 717 kwargs['path'] = entity 719 elif isinstance(entity, str) and not utils.is_synapse_id(entity): --> 720 raise SynapseFileNotFoundError( 721 ('The parameter %s is neither a local file path ' 722 ' or a valid entity id' % entity) 723 ) 724 # have not been saved entities 725 elif isinstance(entity, Entity) and not entity.get('id'): SynapseFileNotFoundError: The parameter syn6035822 is neither a local file path or a valid entity id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Created by Mehak Rafiq mrafiq88
I am not sure what is going on here but it seems like the get command in trying to access a local file instead of downloading the file from Synapse. Is it possible that you have a local file with the name 'syn6035822' in your working directory?

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