Hi, I have a set of 200 rows of data selected from the Voice Activity Table stored as a pandas data frame, from which I want to download the audio files from the 200 rows. When I used the syn.downloadTableColumns() function, it did not seem to accept a pandas data frame type. I could manually download the audio files, but that would take a long time, and I do not want to download all the audio files because it would take up too much storage. How should I navigate around this? Thanks!

Created by Tanay Panja tpanja
Hi @tpanja: The parameter to the `syn.downloadTableColumns` is not a pandas dataframe but a the object that is returned from a `syn.tableQuery`. In order for you to filter down to a set of rows you need to construct the query that returns the list of rows you want. Ideally you would do this by constructing your query so that it limits it to the 200 rows you want. The query language is described in the [API docs](https://rest-docs.synapse.org/rest/org/sagebionetworks/repo/web/controller/TableExamples.html). If it turns out you have to do a bunch of stuff in pandas to figure out which rows you need you can filter using the query: ``` select * from SYNID where recordID in (, ,...) ``` where SYNID is the table you are downloading from and the list between the paranthessis is the list of 200 record ids from you filter operation. This method will not work if your list of recordIds is extremely long however as your query will be longer than is allowed.

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