I am a validated user, and I am eligible to download other data, except the MDS-UPDRS Survey, I sent my request for approval, and I received an email with a link to MDS Rating Scale Permissions Request Form and a Synapse Link Token, I opened the link and filled the form, pasted my statement of use and Token into the blank, but I am a little confused about the lower content of the form, something about the funding information, etc. So I am curious that does the request for the MDS-UPDRS Survey data cost money? Or can I get the data only by submitting the form? Can anyone explain? Much appreciation!

Created by Xi Zhang sheryl_zh
@MegDoerr I requested access to MDS-UPDRS a few weeks ago, and my request was accepted by MDS last week. However, for some reason, I am not able to access the scores. Are you there is no technical problem on your side that prevents me from accessing the data?
Hi Xi, Thank you for reaching out. As we describe here (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4993293/wiki/247860), we do not have control over MDS or UPDRS's form or their pace of releasing data. We encourage you to continue to reach out to them directly for assistance with getting access to those data sets. Warmly, Meg

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