Is there an easier way to download all voice activity data (or several recordings) in one go? I couldn't find a link to do so. It means that I should save ~65000 files one-by-one if I intend to work on all recordings. Thanks in advance!

Created by Amir Hossein Poorjam Amir
Hello @Erika , I think I found a way using Python. Please look into this [process](!Synapse:syn4993293/discussion/threadId=6785&replyId=21437). Hope that helps, Sai.
Dear @Amir , I have similar problem with the Walking Activity data. May I have the imacro you created? Kind regards, Erika
Hi Brian, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I couldn't download the recordings using either of the methods mentioned in the FAQ wiki. However, I created an imacro to download the files since I have found the same pattern in all downloadable links, except the last number in each link which is the recording id of the corresponding file. Cheers!
Hi Amir, thanks for your interest in the data. In the [FAQ wiki](!Synapse:syn4993293/wiki/394516), there is a section called "How can I access the data programmatically?" which should have some examples (in R and Python) that are helpful.

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