Hi, I am trying to process the audio files in MATLAB (since I am a MATLAB user). But the extension of the audio files is .tmp. Although some audio players such as VLC media player can play them back (since they have a built-in converter), by no means MATLAB could load/read them. One way to solve this problem is to buy and use an audio converter software to convert the recordings to one of the formats defined in MATLAB. Any better suggestions would be appreciated? Thanks in advance!

Created by Amir Hossein Poorjam Amir
Hi @BrianMBot . I am also facing the same problem. Even after rename it is not converted. It is still in tmp format only. Any other suggestions would really be helpful
Hi Amir - all of the voice recordings are m4a files. If you rename them to have a ".m4a" extension you should be able to work with them.

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