Additional steps for accessing PDQ-8 survey data To qualify for access to the mPower PDQ-8 survey data, you must obtain written approval for use of these data. Following approval, please proceed to step 4 above. Access to the mPower PDQ-8 survey data is monitored and controlled by the ISIS Outcomes online Patient Reported Outcome (PRO). You must make a request and obtain written approval for use of these data from PRO. PRO will determine in its sole discretion whether the requested use is for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If the use is determined by PRO to be for commercial purposes, you will be required to pay an appropriate license fee for such use in an amount determined by PRO. PRO has an online system for PDQ-8 designed principally for requesting survey content rather than responses to the survey. Data requesters may find that this form contains elements that are not applicable to their request. For questions, please contact PRO directly. To ensure secure data access, data requesters must obtain a "Synapse data access token" before submitting their request to PRO. A Principal Investigator (PI) can request access to the PDQ-8 survey data on behalf of the study team. However all members on the PIs study team must have Synapse accounts and have obtained separate Synapse data access tokens. Please follow these steps: a. Become a Synapse Certified user with a validated profile by completing mPower data access steps 1-3 (above). b. Obtain a Synapse data access token by clicking the button below. This will generate an email to you with the token. c. If you are the PI or are working alone, request a license to use PDQ-8. Copy your data access token (and, if you are a PI, the tokens from all individuals in your group) into the request. Make sure that all 3 lines of the provided token are included. d. Follow the PRO instructions for data access. Would you be able to fix hyperlink for PRO instructions? Thanks, Hyunsoo

Created by Hyunsoo Yoon fineyouth
Hi @fineyouth - thank you for bringing this to our attention. The hyperlinks should be fixed now.

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