Hello, I just had a closer look at the mPower data and wondered how it happens that in the _pedometer_walking_outbound.json.items_ file there are two or more entries with the information (numberOfSteps, startDate, EndDate, etc.) when the task is executed only once. Sometimes the start and end times and dates are the same, but the number of steps and distance are different. In some files, the entries are all different, but multiple data are stored for one task. I would appreciate some clarification. Best regards

Created by Vanessa Binöder vanessabinoeder
Hi: Yes, you are intepreting my suggestion correctly. As for the example you found, I think it is the same even though the results seems like the Flash performed the activity.
Okay, thank you for the quick answer. Do I understand it correctly that the steps are not summed up, but in the entire activity then the maximum of the NumberOfSteps is the number of steps in total (25 Steps in your example). So for example that in the first 6 seconds 6 steps are made, then 5 steps within 2 seconds ( so you are at 11 steps in total after 8 seconds). I was just wondering because I found this example in the data: [{'floorsAscended': 0, 'floorsDescended': 0, 'endDate': '2015-03-09T16:26:25-0300', 'startDate':'2015-03-09T16:26:13-0300', 'numberOfSteps': 13, 'distance': 5.036170366453007}, {'floorsAscended': 0, 'floorsDescended': 0, 'endDate': '2015-03-09T16:26:28-0300', 'startDate': '2015-03-09T16:26:13-0300', 'numberOfSteps': 23, 'distance': 9.491348422365263}] In this case the first interval was 12 seconds and the second one 15 seconds both with the same start time. So can you consider that 10 steps are made within the 3 seconds difference? That seemed a bit unrealistic to me at first, but maybe it's just because of the sensors.
Hi: I believe the pedometer data can be collected into several smaller segments that all encompassing the time frame of the activity. I.e. in an example file the pedometer data is: floorsAscended floorsDescended endDate startDate numberOfSteps distance 0 0 0 2015-03-09T05:38:48-0700 2015-03-09T05:38:42-0700 6 3.96 1 0 0 2015-03-09T05:38:50-0700 2015-03-09T05:38:42-0700 11 7.71 2 0 0 2015-03-09T05:38:53-0700 2015-03-09T05:38:42-0700 16 11.51 3 0 0 2015-03-09T05:38:55-0700 2015-03-09T05:38:42-0700 25 17.99 Which consists of step counts and distances over segments of length 6,8,11 and 13 seconds respectively all starting at the same start time. From this you actually get varying step lengths over the time of the test.

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