After taking a look at the medTimepoint column, I noticed that no label indicated that an individual didn't have Parkinson's. Is the "I don't take Parkinson's medication" the label for individuals who don't have the disease? And would the "Immediately before Parkinson medication" and the "Just after Parkinson medication" labels represent those who have Parkinson's? I would like some clarification on this. Thank you!

Created by Anya Iyer anyaiyer
@larssono , thanks for helping.
Hi Yu-Yuan: That is not surprising for two reasons. The demographic survey was not administered on the first day and many participants did not stay in the study for a long and some people decided not to answer the demographic survey or skipped some questions. In short, there is going to be more voice data than we have information about the patient. Most of these are going to be attributed to people who dropped out of the study after 1 day but not all. Best, Larsson
Hi: I have checked the healthCode in the demographics data (syn5511429) and tried to map the "professional-diagnosis" column to Voice activity data (syn5511444). I found that some (~782) healthCode in Voice activity data (syn5511444) are not in the demographics data (syn5511429). It is possible for some healthCode not existing in demographics data? And those in Voice activity data (syn5511444) seemed no label about collecting from a PD patient or a healthy person. I am not sure whether it is reasonable.
@larssono, thanks for helping!!
@adp871111, glad to help. Don't hesitate to reach out.
I have the same question. This discussion is really helpful. Thanks!!
Hi: Your assumption is not always going to be correct. There are individuals who have PD but don't take medication. The better way to judge whether someone has PD is to look at the demographics data (syn5511429) specifically the column "professional-diagnosis" which corresponds to the question: "Have you been diagnosed by a medical professional with Parkinson disease?" ${synapsetable?query=select healthCode%2C "professional%2Ddiagnosis" from syn5511429&showquery=true}

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